RSS3000 Steam Sterilising Processor
REEKIE MANUFACTURING have developed the RSS3000 as a continuous-flow, high output, soil-sterilising machine using superheated, low-pressure steam to efficiently sterilise soils, substrates, barks, animal manure, compost, poultry manure and other suitable materials, converting unuseable and costly waste back to a reusable and saleable product by neutralising unwanted seeds and nematodes. Removing the need to move it to costly Landfill.
Soil moving through RSS3000.
Shown without steam, for clarity.
Steam Sterilisation
Static Steam treatment has long been accepted as a means of sterilising soil and waste matter. The RSS3000 processes Continuous-flow treatment of large amounts of material, constantly tumbling the soil to allow efficient heat penetration. The machine, attached to a low pressure steam boiler, can produce sterilised soil at typically 30 cubic metres per hour (e.g. when heating the whole soil mass to 80 degrees C with a residency time of 15 minutes).
The floor drive is hydraulically driven with an integrated hydraulic power pack using electricity.
The RSS3000 can be left to run continuously and automatically as it is fitted with precise and accurate sensors connected to a computer to monitor and adjust the steam temperature and the residency time of the moving soil mass.
Manufactured to a high quality with replaceable, insulated, stainless steel panels. And designed for minimum maintenance and ease of cleaning with no belts, sprockets, pulleys or bearings in main body. Replaceable friction strips are made from Hardox anti-wear steel.
The machine is designed to be installed on legs or placed on a lorry trailer for ease of site-to-site transport (road-legal).