There is a commercial need for bulk sterilisation of soil and other material on an economic and industrial scale. To neutralise weeds, seeds and nematodes (particularly Japanese Knot Weed and Potato Cyst Nematode) to allow re-use and resale, to avoid the high cost of sending to landfill or using chemicals.
Soil is a precious and limited resource which we can preserve.
Reekie Manufacturing makes a machine that bulk sterilises, typically 30 cubic metres per hour (a cubic metre can be up to 2 tonnes) dependent on residency time.
Reekie Manufacturing - machines that bulk sterilise soil and other Material.
Our Products
The RSS3000 uses superheated, low-pressure steam to efficiently sterilise soils, substrates, barks, animal manure, compost, poultry manure and other suitable materials, converting unuseable and costly waste back into a reusable and saleable product.
Reekie Screener/Cleaner
The Reekie Material Screening Module provides a solution. This module can be fitted between the Bulk Feed Hopper and the Processor. Note: The Screening Module is designed to remove stones etc but not to ensure a fine soil tilth.
Reekie Bulk Feed Hopper
The RSS3000 has an integral gravity feed hopper holding approximately 6 tonnes. To reduce loading frequency a RSS3000 user can add a Reekie Bulk Feed Hopper Conveyor module holding approx. 30 tonnes of material for feeding material to the processor.